Job application TransCanada

La Présentation, February 12, 2015
Mr. S. Barry Jackson CEO, TransCanadaSubject: Communications Content Specialist (Ref code: 9003) Sir,I hereby offer my candidature for the the position of ''Communications Content Specialist''. (1)I understand that this position is of a year's duration. I believe I am the ideal candidate to improve TransCanada's image with the people of Québec and Canada.You will find my curriculum vitae attached. You will notice that my experience has made me perfectly bilingual. By way of example, and in order that you may become acquainted with my ideas, I invite you to read some of my writings in English on my blog at montpetit/. and in French at part of the job description in question particularly caught my attention; it concernscountering disinformation and creating a favourable perception of the advantages of the project.As it takes a certain amount of audacity to fulfil this mandate when it comes to TransCanada, permit me to outline a the strategy of the communication I would propose.Rather than rely on the Machiavellian machinations of your former public relations firm Edelmann,I strongly suggest that henceforth TransCanada only use the formula tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.In order to do that, it will be necessary to tackle several forms of disinformation . To achieve this, my communications strategy for TransCanada would be based on the following seven points:1) Insure that the 30,000 or so pages of documents of the Energy East Project be available in the two official languages as defined in the preamble to the Canadian Constitution.2) In collaboration with the National Energy Board (NEB), hold public hearings in order that all individuals or organisations which have an interest in the energy policy of the continent may express their expectations as one is entitled to do in a healthy democracy of the twenty-first century.3) In collaboration with the NEB, hold a Strategic Environmental Study (SES) on the subject of the total greenhouse gas emissions that would result from 1.1million barrels per day going through this pipeline as well as the effect on climate change. These studies should be thoroughly scientific and take into account the total footprint, including extraction, transportation and combustion of the tar sands oil.4) Have a valid independent study done on the economic advantages and disadvantages for Québec during the lifetime of the pipeline as well as during its construction.5) Hold a study of the risks to the drinking water of millions of people presented by a 4,600 kilometre pipeline crossing 900 bodies of water. The contamination of the water intake of Longueuil last January, with its paralysing effect on the distribution of drinking water to 300 000 citizens, should never happen because of a failure in TransCanada's equipment.6) Do not be afraid to say that Hydro Québec spends $150 million annually in order to keep the TransCanada gas plant at Bécancour inactive, and that this useless plant is as responsible for the hikes in tariffs as wind-power.7) Provide a valid study on whether such an oil pipeline would delay the development and deployment
of future green energies, as we see in the Third Industrial Revolution of Jeremy Rifkin, especially since this infrastructure would have a lifespan of at least 40 years.To inaugurate such a program of communications for TransCanada would be as difficult a task as cleaning the Augean stables. My program, built around truthfulness, would effectively demolish all the disinformation promoted by certain circles, including paid support, to create the illusion of popular support for TransCanada's project .Finally, as this position requires all my knowledge and skills in communication, it is natural Mr.Jackson , that my remuneration should be on the same level as yours. After all, communication isthe key to TransCanada's public image, is it not?I would be happy to take up my position in your company immediately following my acceptance in that sensitive post and the signing of my contract.Please consider me your very humble and devoted collaborator, Mr Jackson. Gérard Montpetit 629,Cinquième rang La Présentation ,QC J0H 1B0 1) communications-(contrat-d%E2%80%99un-an)-QC/245127400/

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Demande d'emploi chez TransCanada